the beck

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Tutti i contenuti di the beck

  1. Spiug ... mentre attendiamo che symbian signed riapra ... mi potresti confermare se ti è arrivato il mio pm cn la rikiesta x il file .cer??? ... Grazie mille ... The beck ...
  2. Ciao a tt... se nn ho tradotto male ... forse c'è una buona notizia: quoto: <H3 style="COLOR: red; TEXT-ALIGN: center">MESSAGE FOR DEVELOPERS </H3>- Developer Certificates will be ENABLED for users who have a Publisher ID ONLY. (during GMT office hours) - ONLY If you used a Publisher ID to create a .csr file with the DevCertCreate tool will you be able to use Open Signed Offline to create a Developer Certificate. - Developer Certificates are currently DISABLED for users without a Publisher ID. Users who DO NOT have a Publisher ID CANNOT request Developer Certificates or use Open Signed Offline. - Open Signed Online and Offline for users without a Publisher ID will NOT be available temporarily, an update will be provided during Week beginning 25th Feb. - If you have recently obtained a Publisher ID and are unable to create a Developer Certificate using Open Signed Offline please request support through the Symbian Signed forum on the Symbian Developer Network.