Inviato November 9, 2014 We are releasing patches for IP.Board 3.3.x and IP.Board 3.4.x to address two issues recently reported to us. It has been brought to our attention that certain PHP configurations allow for a potential SQL injection vulnerability. Although this exploit requires some knowledge of your configuration and for certain files to be web-readable, we felt it important to release an update. Additionally, it has been brought to our attention that it may be possible to send attachments via the email classes which would ordinarily be removed. To apply the patch Simply download the attached zip for your IP.Board version and upload the files to your forum server. You do not need to run any scripts or the upgrade system. IP.Board 3.3.x IP.Board 3.4.x If you are an IPS Community in the Cloud client running IP.Board 3.3 or above, no further action is necessary as we have already automatically patched your account. If you are using a version older than IP.Board 3.3, you should contact support to upgrade. If you install or upgrade to IP.Board 3.4.7 after the date and time of this post, no further action is necessary as we have already updated the main download zips. We extend our thanks to Andrew Erb for notifying us of the email issue privately and promptly. Attached Files (36.87KB) downloads: 0 (37.79KB) downloads: 0 View the full article View the full article Condividi questo messaggio Link di questo messaggio Condividi su altri siti