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  1. ok grazie appena ho un po' di tempo provo anche se ho la sensazione che il sistema cosi' impostato non funzi almeno nel senso si guardare la tv e nello stesso tempo registrare due programmi diversi uno con il dvd recorder e l'altro con il vhs. e' solo un dubbio debbo mettermi di buzzo buono e provare il fatto e' che queste cose andrebbero fatte con il freddo sai nella bassa modenese ogni volta che ti pieghi per cambiare un cavo sudi come una bestia e ti passa la voglia. era una misera boutade appena ho provato faccio sapere i risultati grazie buona notte fabrizio
  2. buona notte ho acquistato un lcd 32 samsung e non avendo trovato nelle istruzioni alcun appunto volevo chiedere questo: dall'antenna entro nel dvd recorder e dall'uscita antenna all'entrata lcd scart av1 dal dvd recorder alla scart 1 del televisore audio out televisore entrata audio hifi . scart 2 del televisore all'entrata scart del veccho registratore vhs in questo modo posso registrare dal dvd recorder un programma mentre ne vedo un altro. pero' se volessi anche registrarne un altro (programma) con il vhs mentre in contemporanea sto eseguendo le procedure sopra indicate con questa configurazione mi sembra non possibile. Quale puo' essere la modalita' per effettuarla. Grazie Fabrizio
  3. Caro Ceruzzo riprendiamo la nostra telenovela o ci hai dato a mucchio anche tu La ricerca su google ha dato qualche frutto comunque ti avevo risposto in un post precedente sulle frame installate come mi avevi chiesto Se ti sei stufato dimmelo pure .............. capisco Ciao e grazie fabrizio
  4. ciao e buona notte ho controllato ed ho il framework 1.1 e 2.0 ciao
  5. niente da fare ho scaricato il file zip decompresso e sostituito le nuova dll non gli fa un baffo sempre la risposta e' quella impossibile eseguire il file dxdiagn fabrizio
  6. Caro ceruzzo la nostra telenovela e' destinata temo a protrarsi nel tempo quasi quasi ti pago una pizza cosi' ne parliamo niente da fare inserito le due dll mancanti in system 32 riavviato il notebook acceso un cero alla madonna di fatima lourdes e altre ma evidentemente non basta non funziona la situazione e' assolutamente identica a prima Cosa dici la smettiamo qui o insistiamo ci deve essere qualcosa che blocca quel maledetto dxdiagn.dll forse un malware pero' io non so piu' quale programma utilizzare per scovarlo le dll ci sono tutte le directx hanno una cartella personale appenna creata boh....... ho provato per scrupolo in provvisoria ancora con smithfraud.exe e norman ma non mi rilevano niente mi dispiace assillarti puoi anche mollarmi nel guado ti capirei perfettamente Grazie Fabrizio
  7. allora rieccomi ccleaner lo conosco gia' e lo utilizzo frequentemente ed in questa occasione non e' servito a niente come pure lo scandisk Piuttosto nei primi interventi ho notato dal tuo elenco di dll che tu ne hai qualcuna che io non ho nella cartella sistem 32 infatti in base al tuo elenco ti avevo indicato quelle che avevo e quelle che non c'erano e se tu provassi ad inviarmi quelle dll che mancano potrebbe essere un altro tentativo Infatti la finestra di di dxdiag mi dice che e' impossibile aprire il file dxdiagn e non che lo stesso non esiste. cosa dici proviamo ciao fabrizio
  8. Caro Ceruzzo ho scaricato il file e inserito in sistem 32 il tuo file ha sostituito l'altro ho riavviato e............. non va non si apre nero vision e il programma dxdiag neppure continua a dirmi che non riesce a caricare il file dxdiagn.dll Hai altre idee sono aperto a tutti i tentativi e' diventata una questione di proncipio Ciao esco devo andare a fare la spesa ci sentiamo dopo se sei disponibile Fabrizio
  9. per ceruzzo si le directx si sono installate senza alcuna segnalazione e' uscita la voce ora si puo' utilizzare l'installazione eseguita come firewall utilizzo quello di xp ne ho provato altri ma evevo problemi continui e come antivirus utilizzo virit pro regolarmente acquistato in scedenza al 30.9.08. fabrizio
  10. ma quell'imagine che mi hai mandato l'avevo anch'io solo xhe era in applicazioni del programma syw io ti ho mandato un altra cosa era in driver video. comunque ho scaricato e installato ma direi che va come prima cioe' non va nero vision e neppure il programma dxdiag continua a dirmi impossibile installare il filr dxdiagn.dll Ciao fabrizio
  11. Buon giorno ho scaricato siw e controllato directx e infatti mi rleva l'ultima versione 9.0c comunque come da tua richiesta ti allego questo DirectX 9.0c Driver Name SiSGRV.dll Driver Description SiS M650_651_650_740 Driver Version Vendor ID 1039 4153 Device ID 6325 25381 Subsystem ID 16121043 370282563 Revision 0 0 WHQL Level 1 1 GUID D7B71ED9-2065-11CF-F3731236AFC2CD35 Hardware Capabilities Flags Capability Support Description DDCAPS_3D Hardware The display hardware has 3-D acceleration. DDCAPS_ALIGNBOUNDARYDEST No Support DirectDraw supports only those overlay destination rectangles with the x-axis aligned to the dwAlignBoundaryDest boundaries of the surface. DDCAPS_ALIGNBOUNDARYSRC No Support DirectDraw supports only those overlay source rectangles with the x-axis aligned to the dwAlignBoundarySrc boundaries of the surface. DDCAPS_ALIGNSIZEDEST No Support DirectDraw supports only those overlay destination rectangles whose x-axis sizes, in pixels, are dwAlignSizeDest multiples. DDCAPS_ALIGNSIZESRC No Support DirectDraw supports only those overlay source rectangles whose x-axis sizes, in pixels, are dwAlignSizeSrc multiples. DDCAPS_ALIGNSTRIDE No Support DirectDraw creates display memory surfaces that have a stride alignment equal to the dwAlignStrideAlign value. DDCAPS_ALPHA Hardware The display hardware supports alpha-only surfaces. DDCAPS_BANKSWITCHED No Support The display hardware is bank-switched and is potentially very slow at random access to display memory. DDCAPS_BLT Hardware Display hardware is capable of blit operations. DDCAPS_BLTCOLORFILL Hardware Display hardware is capable of color filling with a blitter. DDCAPS_BLTDEPTHFILL Hardware Display hardware is capable of depth filling z-buffers with a blitter. DDCAPS_BLTFOURCC Hardware Display hardware is capable of color-space conversions during blit operations. DDCAPS_BLTQUEUE Hardware Display hardware is capable of asynchronous blit operations. DDCAPS_BLTSTRETCH Hardware Display hardware is capable of stretching during blit operations. DDCAPS_CANBLTSYSMEM Hardware Display hardware is capable of blitting to or from system memory. DDCAPS_CANCLIP HEL Display hardware is capable of clipping with blitting. DDCAPS_CANCLIPSTRETCHED HEL Display hardware is capable of clipping while stretch blitting. DDCAPS_COLORKEY Hardware Supports some form of color key in either overlay or blit operations. More specific color-key capability information can be found in the dwCKeyCaps member. DDCAPS_COLORKEYHWASSIST No Support The color key is partially hardware-assisted. This means that other resources (CPU or video memory) might be used. If this bit is not set, full hardware support is in place. DDCAPS_GDI No Support Display hardware is shared with GDI. DDCAPS_NOHARDWARE No Support There is no hardware support. DDCAPS_OVERLAY Hardware Display hardware supports overlays. DDCAPS_OVERLAYCANTCLIP Hardware Display hardware supports overlays but cannot clip them. DDCAPS_OVERLAYFOURCC Hardware Overlay hardware is capable of color-space conversions during overlay operations. DDCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCH Hardware Overlay hardware is capable of stretching. The dwMinOverlayStretch and dwMaxOverlayStretch members contain valid data. DDCAPS_PALETTE HEL DirectDraw is capable of creating and supporting DirectDrawPalette objects for surfaces other than the primary surface. DDCAPS_PALETTEVSYNC No Support DirectDraw is capable of updating a palette synchronized with the vertical refresh. DDCAPS_READSCANLINE Hardware Display hardware is capable of returning the current scan line. DDCAPS_VBI No Support Display hardware is capable of generating a vertical-blank interrupt. DDCAPS_ZBLTS No Support Supports the use of z-buffers with blit operations. DDCAPS_ZOVERLAYS No Support Supports the use of the IDirectDrawSurface7::UpdateOverlayZOrder method as a z-value for overlays to control their layering. DDCAPS2_AUTOFLIPOVERLAY No Support The overlay can be automatically flipped to the next surface in the flipping chain each time that a video port VSYNC occurs, allowing the video port and the overlay to double-buffer the video without CPU overhead. This option is only valid when the surface is receiving data from a video port. If the video port data is noninterlaced or noninterleaved, it flips on every VSYNC. If the data is being interleaved in memory, it flips on every other VSYNC. DDCAPS2_CANBOBHARDWARE No Support The overlay hardware can display each field of an interlaced video stream individually. DDCAPS2_CANBOBINTERLEAVED Hardware The overlay hardware can display each field of an interlaced video stream individually while it is interleaved in memory without causing any artifacts that might normally occur without special hardware support. This option is only valid when the surface is receiving data from a video port and the video is zoomed at least twice in the vertical direction. DDCAPS2_CANBOBNONINTERLEAVED Hardware The overlay hardware can display each field of an interlaced video stream individually while it is not interleaved in memory without causing any artifacts that might normally occur without special hardware support. This option is only valid when the surface is receiving data from a video port and the video is zoomed at least twice in the vertical direction. DDCAPS2_CANCALIBRATEGAMMA No Support The system has a calibrator installed that can automatically adjust the gamma ramp so that the result is identical on all systems that have a calibrator. To invoke the calibrator when setting new gamma levels, use the DDSGR_CALIBRATE flag when calling the IDirectDrawGammaControl::SetGammaRamp method. Calibrating gamma ramps incurs some processing overhead and should not be used frequently. DDCAPS2_CANDROPZ16BIT No Support Sixteen-bit RGBZ values can be converted into 16-bit RGB values. (The system does not support 8-bit conversions.) DDCAPS2_CANFLIPODDEVEN Hardware The driver is capable of performing odd and even flip operations, as specified by the DDFLIP_ODD and DDFLIP_EVEN flags used with the IDirectDrawSurface7::Flip method. DDCAPS2_CANMANAGETEXTURE No Support The Direct3D texture manager uses this capability to decide whether to put managed surfaces in nonlocal video memory. If the capability is set, the texture manager puts managed surfaces in nonlocal video memory. Drivers that cannot texture from local video memory should not set this capability. DDCAPS2_CANRENDERWINDOWED Hardware The driver is capable of rendering in windowed mode. DDCAPS2_CERTIFIED HEL Display hardware is certified. DDCAPS2_COLORCONTROLPRIMARY Hardware The primary surface contains color controls (for instance, gamma) DDCAPS2_COLORCONTROLOVERLAY Hardware The overlay surface contains color controls (such as brightness and sharpness) DDCAPS2_COPYFOURCC Hardware The driver supports blitting any FOURCC surface to another surface of the same FOURCC. DDCAPS2_FLIPINTERVAL No Support The driver responds to the DDFLIP_INTERVAL* flags. DDCAPS2_FLIPNOVSYNC Hardware The driver responds to the DDFLIP_NOVSYNC flag DDCAPS2_NO2DDURING3DSCENE No Support Two-dimensional operations such as IDirectDrawSurface7::Blt and IDirectDrawSurface7::Lock cannot be performed on any surfaces that Direct3D is using between calls to the IDirect3DDevice7::BeginScene and IDirect3DDevice7::EndScene methods. DDCAPS2_NONLOCALVIDMEM Hardware The display driver supports surfaces in nonlocal video memory. DDCAPS2_NONLOCALVIDMEMCAPS Hardware Blit capabilities for nonlocal video-memory surfaces differ from local video-memory surfaces. If this flag is present, the DDCAPS2_NONLOCALVIDMEM flag is also present. DDCAPS2_NOPAGELOCKREQUIRED No Support DMA blit operations are supported on system-memory surfaces that are not page-locked. DDCAPS2_PRIMARYGAMMA Hardware Supports dynamic gamma ramps for the primary surface. DDCAPS2_STEREO No Support Turns on the ddcaps.dwSVCaps bit to support stereo mode. The driver can do stereo in at least one mode other than the current mode. The application can use IDirectDraw7::GetDisplayMode or IDirectDraw7::EnumDisplayModes to get per-mode stereo information. DDCAPS2_TEXMANINNONLOCALVIDMEM No Support The Direct3D texture manager uses this capability to decide whether to put managed surfaces in nonlocal video memory. If the capability is set, the texture manager puts managed surfaces in nonlocal video memory. Drivers that cannot texture from local video memory should not set this capability. DDCAPS2_VIDEOPORT No Support Display hardware supports live video. DDCAPS2_WIDESURFACES Hardware The display surface supports surfaces wider than the primary surface. DDCKEYCAPS_DESTBLT Hardware Supports transparent blitting with a color key that identifies the replaceable bits of the destination surface for RGB colors. DDCKEYCAPS_DESTBLTCLRSPACE Hardware Supports transparent blitting with a color space that identifies the replaceable bits of the destination surface for RGB colors. DDCKEYCAPS_DESTBLTCLRSPACEYUV No Support Supports transparent blitting with a color space that identifies the replaceable bits of the destination surface for YUV colors. DDCKEYCAPS_DESTBLTYUV No Support Supports transparent blitting with a color key that identifies the replaceable bits of the destination surface for YUV colors. DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAY Hardware Supports overlaying with color keying of the replaceable bits of the destination surface to be overlaid for RGB colors. DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAYCLRSPACE No Support Supports a color space as the color key for the destination of RGB colors. DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAYCLRSPACEYUV No Support Supports a color space as the color key for the destination of YUV colors. DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAYONEACTIVE Hardware Supports only one active destination color key value for visible overlay surfaces. DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAYYUV Hardware Supports overlaying, using color keying of the replaceable bits of the destination surface to be overlaid for YUV colors. DDCKEYCAPS_NOCOSTOVERLAY No Support Indicates that there are no bandwidth trade-offs for using the color key with an overlay. DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLT Hardware Supports transparent blitting, using the color key for the source with this surface for RGB colors. DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLTCLRSPACE Hardware Supports transparent blitting, using a color space for the source with this surface for RGB colors. DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLTCLRSPACEYUV No Support Supports transparent blitting, using a color space for the source with this surface for YUV colors. DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLTYUV No Support Supports transparent blitting, using the color key for the source with this surface for YUV colors. DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAY Hardware Supports overlaying, using the color key for the source with this overlay surface for RGB colors. DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYCLRSPACE No Support Supports overlaying, using a color space as the source color key for the overlay surface for RGB colors. DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYCLRSPACEYUV No Support Supports overlaying, using a color space as the source color key for the overlay surface for YUV colors. DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYONEACTIVE Hardware Supports only one active source color key value for visible overlay surfaces. DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYYUV Hardware Supports overlaying, using the color key for the source with this overlay surface for YUV colors. DDFXCAPS_BLTALPHA HEL Supports alpha-blended blit operations. DDFXCAPS_BLTARITHSTRETCHY Hardware Uses arithmetic operations, rather than pixel-doubling techniques, to stretch and shrink surfaces during a blit operation. Occurs along the y-axis (vertically). DDFXCAPS_BLTARITHSTRETCHYN No Support Uses arithmetic operations, rather than pixel-doubling techniques, to stretch and shrink surfaces during a blit operation. Occurs along the y-axis (vertically), and works only for integer stretching (×1, ×2, and so on). DDFXCAPS_BLTFILTER Hardware Driver can do surface-reconstruction filtering for warped blits. DDFXCAPS_BLTMIRRORLEFTRIGHT HEL Supports mirroring left to right in a blit operation. DDFXCAPS_BLTMIRRORUPDOWN HEL Supports mirroring top to bottom in a blit operation. DDFXCAPS_BLTROTATION No Support Supports arbitrary rotation in a blit operation. DDFXCAPS_BLTROTATION90 No Support Supports 90-degree rotations in a blit operation. DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKX Hardware Supports arbitrary shrinking of a surface along the x-axis (horizontally). This flag is valid only for blit operations. DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKXN Hardware Supports integer shrinking (×1, ×2, and so on) of a surface along the x-axis (horizontally). This flag is valid only for blit operations. DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKY Hardware Supports arbitrary shrinking of a surface along the y-axis (vertically). This flag is valid only for blit operations. DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKYN Hardware Supports integer shrinking (×1, ×2, and so on) of a surface along the y-axis (vertically). This flag is valid only for blit operations. DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHX Hardware Supports arbitrary stretching of a surface along the x-axis (horizontally). This flag is valid only for blit operations. DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHXN Hardware Supports integer stretching (×1, ×2, and so on) of a surface along the x-axis (horizontally). This flag is valid only for blit operations. DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHY Hardware Supports arbitrary stretching of a surface along the y-axis (vertically). This flag is valid only for blit operations. DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHYN Hardware Supports integer stretching (×1, ×2, and so on) of a surface along the y-axis (vertically). This flag is valid only for blit operations. DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYALPHA No Support Supports alpha blending for overlay surfaces. DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYARITHSTRETCHY Hardware Uses arithmetic operations, rather than pixel-doubling techniques, to stretch and shrink overlay surfaces. Occurs along the y-axis (vertically). DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYARITHSTRETCHYN No Support Uses arithmetic operations, rather than pixel-doubling techniques, to stretch and shrink overlay surfaces. Occurs along the y-axis (vertically), and works only for integer stretching (×1, ×2, and so on). DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYFILTER Hardware Supports surface-reconstruction filtering for warped overlay sprites. Filtering is not currently supported for explicitly displayed overlay surfaces (those displayed with calls to IDirectDrawSurface7::UpdateOverlay). DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYMIRRORLEFTRIGHT No Support Supports mirroring of overlays across the vertical axis. DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYMIRRORUPDOWN No Support Supports mirroring of overlays across the horizontal axis. DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKX Hardware Supports arbitrary shrinking of a surface along the x-axis (horizontally). This flag is valid only for DDSCAPS_OVERLAY surfaces. This flag indicates only the capabilities of a surface; it does not indicate that shrinking is available. DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKXN No Support Supports integer shrinking (×1, ×2, and so on) of a surface along the x-axis (horizontally). This flag is valid only for DDSCAPS_OVERLAY surfaces. This flag indicates only the capabilities of a surface; it does not indicate that shrinking is available. DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKY Hardware Supports arbitrary shrinking of a surface along the y-axis (vertically). This flag is valid only for DDSCAPS_OVERLAY surfaces. This flag indicates only the capabilities of a surface; it does not indicate that shrinking is available. DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKYN No Support Supports integer shrinking (×1, ×2, and so on) of a surface along the y-axis (vertically). This flag is valid only for DDSCAPS_OVERLAY surfaces. This flag indicates only the capabilities of a surface; it does not indicate that shrinking is available. DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHX Hardware Supports arbitrary stretching of a surface along the x-axis (horizontally). This flag is valid only for DDSCAPS_OVERLAY surfaces. This flag indicates only the capabilities of a surface; it does not indicate that stretching is available. DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHXN No Support Supports integer stretching (×1, ×2, and so on) of a surface along the x-axis (horizontally). This flag is valid only for DDSCAPS_OVERLAY surfaces. This flag indicates only the capabilities of a surface; it does not indicate that stretching is available. DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHY Hardware Supports arbitrary stretching of a surface along the y-axis (vertically). This flag is valid only for DDSCAPS_OVERLAY surfaces. This flag indicates only the capabilities of a surface; it does not indicate that stretching is available. DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHYN No Support Supports integer stretching (×1, ×2, and so on) of a surface along the y-axis (vertically). This flag is valid only for DDSCAPS_OVERLAY surfaces. This flag indicates only the capabilities of a surface; it does not indicate that stretching is available. DDFXALPHACAPS_BLTALPHAEDGEBLEND No Support Supports alpha blending around the edge of a source color-keyed surface. Used for blit operations. DDFXALPHACAPS_BLTALPHAPIXELS No Support Supports alpha information in pixel format. The bit depth of alpha information in the pixel format can be 1, 2, 4, or 8. The alpha value becomes more opaque as the alpha value increases. Regardless of the depth of the alpha information, 0 is always the fully transparent value. Used for blit operations. DDFXALPHACAPS_BLTALPHAPIXELSNEG No Support Supports alpha information in pixel format. The bit depth of alpha information in the pixel format can be 1, 2, 4, or 8. The alpha value becomes more transparent as the alpha value increases. Regardless of the depth of the alpha information, 0 is always the fully opaque value. This flag can be used only if DDCAPS_ALPHA is set. Used for blit operations. DDFXALPHACAPS_BLTALPHASURFACES No Support Supports alpha-only surfaces. The bit depth of an alpha-only surface can be 1, 2, 4, or 8. The alpha value becomes more opaque as the alpha value increases. Regardless of the depth of the alpha information, 0 is always the fully transparent value. Used for blit operations. DDFXALPHACAPS_BLTALPHASURFACESNEG No Support Indicates that the alpha channel becomes more transparent as the alpha value increases. The depth of the alpha channel-data can be 1, 2, 4, or 8. Regardless of the depth of the alpha information, 0 is always the fully opaque value. This flag can be set only if DDCAPS_ALPHA has been set. Used for blit operations. DDFXALPHACAPS_OVERLAYALPHAEDGEBLEND No Support Supports alpha blending around the edge of a source color-keyed surface. Used for overlays. DDFXALPHACAPS_OVERLAYALPHAPIXELS No Support Supports alpha information in pixel format. The bit depth of alpha information in pixel format can be 1, 2, 4, or 8. The alpha value becomes more opaque as the alpha value increases. Regardless of the depth of the alpha information, 0 is always the fully transparent value. Used for overlays. DDFXALPHACAPS_OVERLAYALPHAPIXELSNEG No Support Supports alpha information in pixel format. The bit depth of alpha information in pixel format can be 1, 2, 4, or 8. The alpha value becomes more transparent as the alpha value increases. Regardless of the depth of the alpha information, 0 is always the fully opaque value. This flag can be used only if DDCAPS_ALPHA has been set. Used for overlays. DDFXALPHACAPS_OVERLAYALPHASURFACES No Support Supports alpha-only surfaces. The bit depth of an alpha-only surface can be 1, 2, 4, or 8. The alpha value becomes more opaque as the alpha value increases. Regardless of the depth of the alpha information, 0 is always the fully transparent value. Used for overlays. DDFXALPHACAPS_OVERLAYALPHASURFACESNEG No Support Indicates that the alpha channel becomes more transparent as the alpha value increases. The depth of the alpha-channel data can be 1, 2, 4, or 8. Regardless of the depth of the alpha information, 0 is always the fully opaque value. This flag can be used only if DDCAPS_ALPHA has been set. Used for overlays. DDPCAPS_1BIT HEL Supports palettes that contain 1-bit color entries (two colors). DDPCAPS_2BIT HEL Supports palettes that contain 2-bit color entries (four colors). DDPCAPS_4BIT HEL Supports palettes that contain 4-bit color entries (16 colors). DDPCAPS_8BIT HEL Supports palettes that contain 8-bit color entries (256 colors). DDPCAPS_8BITENTRIES HEL Specifies an index to an 8-bit color index. This field is valid only when used with the DDPCAPS_1BIT, DDPCAPS_2BIT, or DDPCAPS_4BIT capability and when the target surface is 8 bits per pixel (bpp). Each color entry is 1 byte long and is an index to an 8-bpp palette on the destination surface. DDPCAPS_ALPHA No Support Supports palettes that include an alpha component. For alpha-capable palettes, the peFlags member of each PALETTEENTRY structure that the palette contains is to be interpreted as a single 8-bit alpha value (in addition to the color data in the peRed, peGreen, and peBlue members). A palette created with this flag can be attached only to a texture surface. DDPCAPS_ALLOW256 HEL Supports palettes that can have all 256 entries defined. DDPCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE No Support The palette is attached to the primary surface. Changing the palette has an immediate effect on the display unless the DDPCAPS_VSYNC capability is specified and supported. DDPCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACELEFT No Support The palette is attached to the primary surface on the left. Changing the palette has an immediate effect on the display unless the DDPCAPS_VSYNC capability is specified and supported. DDPCAPS_VSYNC No Support The palette can be modified synchronously with the monitor's refresh rate. DDSVCAPS_STEREOSEQUENTIAL No Support The driver can do stereo in at least one mode other than the current mode. The application can use IDirectDraw7::GetDisplayMode or IDirectDraw7::EnumDisplayModes to get per-mode stereo information. Other Hardware Capabilities Flags Capability Value Description Total Video Memory 79808 KBytes Total amount of display memory on the device, in bytes, minus memory reserved for the primary surface and any private data structures reserved by the driver. (This value is the same as the total video memory reported by the IDirectDraw7::GetAvailableVidMem method.) Free Video Memory 76495 KBytes Free display memory. This value equals the value in dwVidMemTotal, minus any memory currently allocated by the application for surfaces. Unlike the GetAvailableVidMem method, which reports the memory available for a particular type of surface (such as a texture), this value reflects the memory available for any type of surface. Maximum Visible Overlays 1 Maximum number of visible overlays or overlay sprites. Number of FourCC Codes 11 Number of FourCC codes. Maximum Live Video Ports 0 Maximum number of live video ports. Note HEL Hardware Emulation Layer
  12. Eccomi presente nonostante l'ora tarda ti posto il log come richiesto Grazie e Buon lavoroLogfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2 Scan saved at 1.38.12, on 10/05/2008 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16640) Boot mode: Normal Running processes: C:\WINDOWS\System32\smss.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\services.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\lsass.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\spoolsv.exe C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE C:\Programmi\Grisoft\AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5\guard.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\HPZipm12.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe C:\VIRITEXP\viritsvc.exe C:\WINDOWS\AGRSMMSG.exe C:\Programmi\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPLpr.exe C:\Programmi\Conexant\AccessRunner ADSL\CnxDslTb.exe C:\VIRITEXP\MONITOR.EXE C:\VIRITEXP\VSMAIL.EXE C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe C:\Programmi\OpenOffice.org 2.4\program\soffice.exe C:\Programmi\OpenOffice.org 2.4\program\soffice.BIN C:\Programmi\File comuni\Apple\Mobile Device Support\bin\AppleMobileDeviceService.exe C:\Programmi\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe C:\Programmi\Trend Micro\HijackThis\HijackThis.exe R0 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = http://alice.it/ R0 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Local Page = R0 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar,LinksFolderName = Collegamenti O2 - BHO: Supporto di collegamento per Adobe PDF Reader - {06849E9F-C8D7-4D59-B87D-784B7D6BE0B3} - C:\Programmi\File comuni\Adobe\Acrobat\ActiveX\AcroIEHelper.dll O2 - BHO: SSVHelper Class - {761497BB-D6F0-462C-B6EB-D4DAF1D92D43} - C:\Programmi\Java\jre1.6.0_05\bin\ssv.dll O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [AGRSMMSG] AGRSMMSG.exe O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [synTPLpr] C:\Programmi\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPLpr.exe O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [CnxDslTaskBar] "C:\Programmi\Conexant\AccessRunner ADSL\CnxDslTb.exe" O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [VIRITMONITOR] C:\VIRITEXP\MONITOR.EXE O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [VirIT Scan Mail] C:\VIRITEXP\VSMAIL.EXE O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [ccleaner] "C:\Programmi\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /AUTO O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [ctfmon.exe] C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe O4 - Startup: OpenOffice.org 2.4.lnk = C:\Programmi\OpenOffice.org 2.4\program\quickstart.exe O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608501} - C:\Programmi\Java\jre1.6.0_05\bin\ssv.dll O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Sun Java Console - {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608501} - C:\Programmi\Java\jre1.6.0_05\bin\ssv.dll O14 - IERESET.INF: START_PAGE_URL=http://www.asus.com.tw O16 - DPF: {0EB0E74A-2A76-4AB3-A7FB-9BD8C29F7F75} (CKAVWebScan Object) - http://www.kaspersky.com/kos/eng/partner/d...can_unicode.cab O16 - DPF: {6E32070A-766D-4EE6-879C-DC1FA91D2FC3} (MUWebControl Class) - http://update.microsoft.com/microsoftupdat...b?1174092371000 O16 - DPF: {D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000} (Shockwave Flash Object) - http://fpdownload2.macromedia.com/get/shoc...ash/swflash.cab O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\..\{2F5C71C3-6269-4931-A25C-4A7984C38522}: NameServer = O20 - Winlogon Notify: !SASWinLogon - C:\Programmi\SUPERAntiSpyware\SASWINLO.dll O23 - Service: Apple Mobile Device - Apple, Inc. - C:\Programmi\File comuni\Apple\Mobile Device Support\bin\AppleMobileDeviceService.exe O23 - Service: AVG Anti-Spyware Guard - GRISOFT s.r.o. - C:\Programmi\Grisoft\AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5\guard.exe O23 - Service: InstallDriver Table Manager (IDriverT) - Macrovision Corporation - C:\Programmi\File comuni\InstallShield\Driver\11\Intel 32\IDriverT.exe O23 - Service: Servizio iPod (iPod Service) - Apple Inc. - C:\Programmi\iPod\bin\iPodService.exe O23 - Service: NBService - Nero AG - C:\Programmi\Nero\Nero 7\Nero BackItUp\NBService.exe O23 - Service: NMIndexingService - Nero AG - C:\Programmi\File comuni\Ahead\Lib\NMIndexingService.exe O23 - Service: Pml Driver HPZ12 - HP - C:\WINDOWS\system32\HPZipm12.exe O23 - Service: Virit eXplorer Pro (viritsvcpro) - TG Soft Sas www.tgsoft.it - C:\VIRITEXP\viritsvc.exe -- End of file - 4051 bytes
  13. scusa ho dimenticato questa ddl dxmasf.dll presente chiedo venia questa sera sono cotto Fabrizio
  14. Grazie mille per l'interessamento quasi non ci speravo piu' Allora il disco di xp non lo possesso ho solo i dischi di ripristino forniti con il notebook che e' un asus a2h di alcuni anni fa. il controllo sulle dx dll ha portato questi risultati dxdiag.exe presente dxdiadn.dll presente dxgi.dll manca dxmsf.dll presente dxtmsft.dll presente dxtrans.dll presente dxva2.dll manca inoltre ho i seguenti da te non indicati dx3j.dll dx7vb.dll dx8vb.dll del programma di diagnostica potrebbe anche importarmi poco questa e' la prima volta che cerco di eseguirlo il problema tutto sommato abbastanza relativo e' che non funzia nero vision. appena cerco di aprirlo mi comunica che per funzionare ha bisogno delle directx e invece di aprirsi torna allo smart smart. Aspetto un tuo parere perche' per il resto la macchina funziona Grazie fabrizio
  15. Buona serata a tutti da alcuni giorni ho un problema che mi assilla anche se utilizzo normalmente il notebbok Dunque accidentalmente ho aperto nero vision programma di nero 7 che pero' non ho mai usato e questo mi dice che per funzionare ha bisogno dlle directx Siccome pensavo di averle regolarmente installate ho verificato con infotool sempre di nero 7 e mi dice che ho installato le directx 9.0 D'altronde google hearth funziona normalmente allora sono andato in start esegui e digitato dxdiag per utilizzare lo strumento di controllo e qui il programma non si apre e un messaggio mi indica che e impossibile caricare il file dxdiagn.dll Allora ho riscaricato le directx 9.0c ma la situazione e' rimasta immutata. Curiosando e ponendo la questione su altri forum mi e' stata ventilata la possibilta' di un malware ma scansioni varie in provvisoria con AVG ANTISPY - superantispyware - smithfraurd.exe e da ultimo norman non ha rilevato niente ho anche provato a scaricare di nuovo il file dxdiagn.dll e inserirlo in sistem 32 ma il tutto non ha sortito effetto alcuno ualcuno di voi h avuto esperienze analoghe o sapreste darmi qualche suggerimento o rimane solo la formattazione Grazie Fabrizio